Kenta Dedachi
Kenta Dedachi Acoustic Live "Cozy notes"
Life Line
Streaming Period
2023.08.21 (Mon) 12:00 -
2025.03.21 (Fri) 12:00 JST
How to watch streaming content
with 360 Reality Audio Live
Install the 360 Reality Audio Live app and watch on
mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet.
Please create an account or log in to your
account after installing the latest version of
360 Reality Audio Live app from the
QR code below to your mobile device.
The stream content can be viewed
free of charge on the Featured Content
area in the Home tab.
(After you log in, the Ticket Code Input
screen will be displayed.
No code is required for this content,
so just tap the Home button
in the app to proceed.)
It is not available
for personal computers, etc.
A fast and stable internet environment with constant downlink speed of 10Mbps or more is required.
Please put headphones on for a
360 Reality Audio Live experience.
With 360 Reality Audio Certified Headphones,
optimize your experience
by analyzing your individual ear shape and enjoy the ultimate immersive live experience.

[Recommended Viewing Environment]
Please note that the immersive live experience won't be available when listening via TV mirroring or speakers.
Please prepare your mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet running Android 5 and above and iOS 14.1 and above. Depending on the specifications of your device, such as insufficient memory capacity, video may not play properly. A fast and stable internet environment with constant downlink speed of 10Mbps or more is required to use this service. If you are using a cell phone or mobile Wi-Fi data connection, please check the plan you are using carefully before watching the service. Please make sure that there are no obstructions between the wireless router or access point and the viewing device. The picture quality may be degraded or the video may be interrupted during viewing, depending on your environment, such as your residential area, time zone, and the network path of your internet connection.